Garbage Soup

Sounds appealing, huh? Garbage soup is a combination of any vegetables I have that steaming_potwill work well together in a soup. Vegetables that will go into the compost bin if not used quickly. Potato, celery, carrots, squashes like zuchini and yellow, tomato, onion, etc. You get the idea. Add leftover chicken and you have a chicken soup.

Chop all this up into bite sized pieces and toss in a dutch oven or large saucepan with a few cans of chicken broth and water. Boil on medium high approximately 30 minutes until veggies are tender. You can add any seasonings you like. Thyme or tarragon add a really nice flavor. You can even add black beans and chili seasonings for a Mexican twist.

Keep calories low by sticking with chicken and veggies, or add brown rice or whole wheat pasta for a more filling meal.

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